Monday, September 15, 2014

The Journey : Day 1

  The day started out like any other Monday.  Today is always the day when I teach guitar classes to older adults (50 & over) at the local Senior center.  We have three classes from 1:30 to 5pm.  After classes were over, I went to my parents' house.  Everything seemed like normal, even when I saw my sister's car parked on the curb, and her talking to me, even though I couldn't hear what  she was saying yet.  When I got out of the car, she said something like, "We're taking Dad to the emergency room".  Everything changed in that brief moment.

  It was determined that I would stay home, and the three of them would head to the hospital.  Later that night, I discovered that my Dad had been admitted to the hospital, and was undergoing tests.  He had been complaining that afternoon of severe abdominal pains.  In performing several chest X-rays, they located a couple of suspicious spots on his lungs.

  So began the first night of a journey... one that we didn't plan or ask to travel... but one which we will go on together... pray for us, and keep updated and informed here about all of the experiences and developments along the way.


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